For the lovers of Warriors...

For the lovers of Warriors...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Warriors: New Moon. A New Beginning: Chapter 3

"Pack, pack. Kill, kill." the sound echoed through the den. "Dogs?! A pack of dogs?!?!" Rosethorn gave Hollyberry a face of confusion. "My nose doesn't lie, Rosethorn. I know it's dogs. I'm sure of it." Hollyberry corrected Rosethorn. "How are there dogs in the forest?! Someone would have led them." Rosethorn said with a lot of questions swirling in her mind. "I don't know, Rosethorn. If this is a pack of dogs, they sure aren't friendly." Hollyberry said as she was trying to find the scent again. They tried to see where the sound was coming from. Quickly they saw a pack of dogs with Firestar and Swiftnight. "Pack, pack. Kill, kill." The sound echoed through the forest once again. "We need to save them! They are going to die!" hissed Rosethorn. "What  are going to do?" Hollyberry asked. "I haven't figured that out yet but we need to get them." said Rosethorn.
"Follow me." Rosethorn crouched and hid behind a tree. Hollyberry followed her as terror rose through her body. Hollyberry flashed back in her kit years. Fire spred throughout the woods. Hollyberry was a kit.. She was in the nursery with her litermates and her mother . Hollyberry awoken from her flashback and saw a big Shepherd in front of her growling. "Get away from my FRIEND!" Rosethorn jumped on the Shepherd and bit his tail. He ran away yipping. "Thank you, Rosethorn. You saved my life!" said Hollyberry. "We need to help, Firestar!" shouted Rosethorn. "You get the dog with Swiftnight and I will get the dog with Firestar." Rosethorn ordered as she sped to the tree where Firestar was laying. "Got it!" Hollyberry sped to the tree with Swiftnight. five minutes has passed and Rosethorn killed the dog who had Firestar. She sped to the tree where Hollyberry was. Hollyberry was laying on the ground resting. Swiftnight was found dead.

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